photo from: Green Stationery
This past week there were several interesting vendors that attended the National Stationery Show. I'm going to introduce you to the ones that I think have some pretty cool ideas for your wedding and today Green Stationery (no really, that's the name of the company), is one of them. Of course with a name like that it shouldn't be hard to figure out that they are envirionmentally friendly.
Why would a bride/couple want to use you/your product?
There are several reasons a bride would want to use our product, first is to reflect their beautiful style sense and to make a statement about their commitment to saving our earth as "Good planets are hard to find".
If you are eco/environmentally friendly, why? Green Stationery's product is eco friendly because it is made with the finest quality 100% post-consumer recycled paper, FSC Certified (conforms to responsible forest management standards), is green-e certified (made with renewable energy such as wind and hydo-electric power) and is produced chlorine and acid free, printed with soy inks with low VOC.
What I mean is what about you/the company decided to focus your attention and show your commitment to the environment?
I was inspired by a paper presentation where I learned the average american adult uses 745 lbs of paper a year and if it was ALL post consumer recycled we could save:
2578 lbs of wood - A total of 9 treesthat supply enough oxygen for 5 people annually
3259 gal of water - Enough water to take 190 8 min showers
6min BTUs energy - Enough energy to power an average american household for 25 days
785 lbs emissions - Carbon sequestered by 9 tree seedlings grown for 10 years
419 lbs solid waste - A total of 14 32 gal garbage cans of waste
So, you can see it is MORE than just about wasting trees!
This information was obtained from the Neenah Paper Eco Calculator found at NeenahPaper.com
What would be a price range for direct purchase or do the couples have to go through retailers?
Couples would have to go through retailers and print shops to obtain this product, however the prices are quite reasonable. A 10 pack of imprintable invitations would retail around $14.99 and purchased bulk through a printer would be even less per card. We are looking into selling products direct on line to customers, but this is not currently available.
If you are interested in getting more information about this company and their product, please contact:
Marianne Cook
Green Stationery Inc.
6816 Stonewood Court
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
o: (952) 937-1842
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